Bumblebee Catfish

Post by Kampfer » Sat Jul 28, 2012 3:30 pm.maximum length: 4 inchesminimum tank size: 20 gallonscare level: easycompatibility: clown loaches will work but they will need at least 75 gallons of waterdiet: catfish pelletscolor form: black and yellow,like a bumble bee& . the bumblebee cat does get big but..The fish you show compared to those in the link RTR gave seem similar, however - quite different.DSC_2921 Bumblebee catfish (Pseudomystus leiacanthus)The shop I got him from could only tell me that he was a bumblebee cat and that they had never seen one grow any larger than mine is.ID-Bought as bumble bee catfish. bumblebee catfish I`m not 100% certain what is going on with my SA bumblebee cats. Hi Need help to ID.. I`ve been doing a lot of research since I got him trying to determine which particular& . Image Sorry for low picture quality - they were taken on& ... Would appreciate any advice on what`s happening and how best to treat .. Would appreciate any advice on what`s happening and how best to treat. The tail fin (sorry, not good with the technical terms of fish parts) seems quite different when compared, and the one photo that& ... You do not have the& .so i moved my bumblebee catfish to my 55 gal b/c i have an african clawed frog that is eating my smaller fish . You do not have the& .so i moved my bumblebee catfish to my 55 gal b/c i have an african clawed frog that is eating my smaller fish... Image. I want only one, so no schooling guys. Image. I want only one, so no schooling guys.. Anyone kept them or have any advice about keeping them? Image.. Post by Kampfer » Sat Jul 28, 2012 3:30 pm.maximum length: 4 inchesminimum tank size: 20 gallonscare level: easycompatibility: clown loaches will work but they will need at least 75 gallons of waterdiet: catfish pelletscolor form: black and yellow,like a bumble bee& . the bumblebee cat does get big but Post by Kampfer » Sat Jul 28, 2012 3:30 pm.maximum length: 4 inchesminimum tank size: 20 gallonscare level: easycompatibility: clown loaches will work but they will need at least 75 gallons of waterdiet: catfish pelletscolor form: black and yellow,like a bumble bee& . the bumblebee cat does get big but..The fish you show compared to those in the link RTR gave seem similar, however - quite different.DSC_2921 Bumblebee catfish (Pseudomystus leiacanthus)The shop I got him from could only tell me that he was a bumblebee cat and that they had never seen one grow any larger than mine is.ID-Bought as bumble bee catfish. arkansas demographics
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